Why doesn't this work? I've looked for so long and have found some pretty complex solutions, but I'm thinking this can be simplified and reused...sad :'(
awk -F"\t" '!seen[$3]++'
r1c1 r1c2 r1c3
r2c1 r2c2 r2c3
r3c1 r3c2 r3c3
r4c1 r4c2 r3c3
r5c1 r5c2 r5c3
Desired Output
r3c1 r3c2 r3c3
r4c1 r4c2 r3c3
Code adds a 0 and 1.
[user@host]$ awk '{a[$3]=a[$3] $0 RS c[$3]++} END {for (i in c) if (c[i]>1) printf "%s",a[i]}' file
r3c1 r3c2 r3c3
0r4c1 r4c2 r3c3
1[jcole@dukescri01 srlg]$
Following awk
version may also help you on same(In case you want to get the same order of output as per Input_file itself).
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$3]++;next} a[$3]>1' Input_file Input_file
awk '{++a[$3];b[$3]=b[$3]?b[$3] ORS $0:$0}END{for(i in a){if(a[i]>1){print b[i]}}}' Input_file