I accidentally deleted the asset folder in my Xcode project to clear memory for the new Xcode update, what can I do to fix this issue? do I just create a new folder with the same name and add the assets back? I already emptied the trash.
If you dont have an assets in any other place even though Trash then need one 1024x1024 icon of your app to generate all assets also need to do following steps.
If you had accidently deleted the app icons folder from image assets then it will be look like this.
please dont be panic now just clean your project using Cmd+Shift+Alt+K then it will be seems like this
Now Click on use Asset Catalogue it will show the prompt like this.
Just click on Migrate Now there is the appIcon is present
Just click on right arrow and right click on the appIcons
Now open it in finder and make the appicon assets using the app named "Icon Set Creator" which is Free on appStore.
Once you generated all icons replace the generated folder will existing one.
Your all assets will be regenerated.