Let's say I have this image:
To the image I apply the mask in (it's white, that's why I set it here). The mask is basically a message bubble with an arrow in the bottom right part.
The command (in bash) is the following:
size=`convert Mask.png -format "%wx%h" info:`
convert \( couple.jpg -channel rgba -alpha on -resize $size \) Mask.png -compose copy_opacity -composite -compose over -background transparent -flatten png:result.png
And the result is:
Let's now check the next two images:
Image 2
Image 3
If we do the same with these two, we will obtain the following results:
What we see here is that in order for the mask to be applied correctly, the proportions must be similar, otherwise, depending on the original image's size, it might cropped in the bottom, or in the right.
How can I avoid the cropping problem and:
Thank you very much for your answers.
This command should take any input image then scale it to fill the mask. Next it composites the image centered over the mask with "srcin" to show just the part of the image where the mask is white. It finishes by flattening onto a white background. The output will be the dimensions of the mask.
convert Mask.png image.jpg \
+distort SRT "0,0 %[fx:t?max(u.w/v.w,u.h/v.h):1] 0 0,0" \
-shave 1x1 +repage -gravity center -compose srcin -composite \
-compose over -background white -flatten result.png
This should work with IM 6.8.9 through IM 6.9.9.