I want to connect to a Kerberos secured HBase database via HappyBase (python).
The connection worked for another unsecured cluster with this settings:
import happybase
connection = happybase.Connection("host1.domain.de", port=9090)
Now I want to connect to my secured database via the Zookeeper quorum (let's say host2.domain.de
) and the port 2181
. The zookeper node is /hbase-secured
I try to connect to my db with the same code as shown above (after making a kinit
via console). But I can't connect. It seems to be a problem with the changed /hbase-secured
zookeeper node.
Is there a possibility to change this zookeeper node setting? Or can't HappyBase connect to a Kerberized cluster yet? Do I need to make the Kerberos settings in another way?
I'm using HBase 1.1.2 in a Hortonworks Data Platform 2.6 environment, trying to connect with HappyBase 1.1.0.
It's not supported.
In https://happybase.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#connection
The host and port arguments specify the host name and TCP port of the HBase Thrift server to connect to.