
How to get the number of result? - Pagerfanta and Twig (in Symfony)

In my Demo application, use Pagerfanta to read only a few rows from Database.

public function findAllProductsByCategory($category, int $page = 1): Pagerfanta
    // DQL = Always select full classes from classes
    $query = $this->getEntityManager()
             SELECT   p
             FROM     App\Entity\Product p
             WHERE    p.category = :category
        ->setParameter('category', $category);

    return $this->createPaginator($query, $page);

Later in Twig, I loop the preselected results. Everything is fine ...

    {% if products.haveToPaginate %}
        <div class="navigation text-center">
            {{ pagerfanta(products, 'default', {routeName: 'category_show_paginated', 'routeParams' : { 'id':}}) }}
    {% endif %}
    <table border="1" cellpadding="5">
        {% for product in products %}
            <td>{{ loop.index }}</td>
            <td><a href="{{ path('products_show', {id:}) }}">{{ }}</a></td>
            <td>{{ product.description }}</td>
        {% endfor %}

but on each page, "loop.index" is the same 1,2,3,4 ... I would like to show the number of results 41,42,43 ... with pagerfanta ;)

Is there a special function?

Thank you


  • Haven't worked with Pagerfanta for a while, but what you want should be doable with something like this:

    {{ pagerfanta.currentPageOffsetStart() + loop.index }}

    Example test case: