I want to keep track of a todo list in Visual Studio Code.
Is it possible to display/toggle strikethrough text:
(used https://www.piliapp.com/cool-text/strikethrough-text/ for the above).
Looking for a solution natively or with an extension. The strike-through text needs to be displayed in the text file (like the functioning of org mode in emacs) and not in some output window (like the rendering of a HTML/Latex/MD document).
Any experts in Visual Studio Code that know if this can be done and how to do it ?
You can make strikethrough in vscode with the help of TODO Highlight extension:
"todohighlight.keywordsPattern": "(~~.+?~~)|(✔.+?\n)|(\\[x\\].+\n)",
"todohighlight.defaultStyle": {
"color": "none",
"backgroundColor": "none",
"textDecoration": "line-through"
Use patterns that you usually use for done todos. The above works for such:
[x] done
✔ done
After that you can either use plain typing or find some toggling extension or write one yourself.