
execCommand bold don't toggle in firefox

in FireFox, I can set the selection bold, but when I click one time more, the selected bold text dont unbolding...

How to fix this?

Normal (Dont work):

document.execCommand("bold", false, null); 
document.execCommand("bold", false, "");

My Try (dont work also):

if (document.queryCommandState("bold")) {
        document.execCommand("insertHTML", false, ""+ document.getSelection()+"");
    } else {
    document.execCommand("insertHTML", false, "<b>"+ document.getSelection()+"</b>");


  • Tested and Passed on Chrome and Firefox

    execComand('bold'... Toggles the style on and off of a selected part of text.

    So to trigger toggling, use execCommand() in a callback function of an Event Handler that is registered for a "toggling" type of event such as: click,dblclick,mousedown/up, etc..

    The execCommand() is a versatile yet specialized Document Extension in that most commands (methods?) rely on selected text, clicking events, keystrokes, etc. Basically, execCommand() is a text editor so when utilizing it, keep in mind the interface has a strong association to aspects involving text formatting and editing.

    The following Demo has:

    1. An onclick Event Attribute that toggles "bold" command.
    2. An EventListener registered to the "double-click (dblclick)" event. It toggles the "italic" command.
    3. An onmousedown Property Event Handler which toggles the "underline" command.


    // double-click EventListener 
    document.getElementById('I').addEventListener('dblclick', function(e) {
      document.execCommand('italic', false, null);
    // mousedown Property Event Handler
    document.getElementById('U').onmousedown = function(e) {
      document.execCommand('underline', false, null);
    #editor1 {
      height: 100px;
      border: 3px inset grey
    <div id="editor1" contenteditable="true">
      The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
      <button id='I' class="fontStyle" title="Italicize Highlighted Text"><i>I</i>
      <!-- click on Event Attribute -->
      <button class="fontStyle" onclick="document.execCommand( 'bold',false,null);" title="Bold Highlighted Text"><b>B</b>
      <button id="U" class="fontStyle" title="Underline Highlighted Text"><u>U</u>