Here’s what I’m currently trying as a base case with the function definition written manually (which works):
igawk 'function tripleit(x) {return x*3} {print tripleit($1)}' <(echo 5)
Here is a theoretically more practical version calling a function library (which fails):
igawk '@include $HOME/code/thefunc {print tripleit($1)}' <(echo 5)
Here's "thefunc" :
function tripleit(x){return x*3}
If anyone knows HOW or WHY this is failing, and how I can get something like this to work, it would be super-helpful. I love AWK, but I'm not about to type and retype UDFs each and every time I need them.
I have tried to create foo.awk: function foo(){print "Hello World"}
And call this as suggested:
$ cat foo.awk
function foo(){print "Hello World"}
$ igawk '@include "foo.awk"; BEGIN{foo()}'
igawk:/dev/stdin:0: cannot find "foo.awk";
$ igawk '@include "$PWD/foo.awk"; BEGIN{foo()}'
$ igawk '@include "./foo.awk"; BEGIN{foo()}'
No output yet.
awk has no idea what the shell variable $HOME
contains and @include
requires a string as it's argument.
$ cat foo.awk
function foo() {
print "Hello World"
$ gawk '@include $PWD/foo.awk; BEGIN{foo()}'
gawk: cmd. line:1: @include $PWD/foo.awk; BEGIN{foo()}
gawk: cmd. line:1: ^ syntax error
$ gawk '@include "$PWD/foo.awk"; BEGIN{foo()}'
gawk: cmd. line:1: error: can't open source file `$PWD/foo.awk' for reading (No such file or directory)
$ gawk '@include "./foo.awk"; BEGIN{foo()}'
Hello World
You can also use AWKPATH instead of explitly providing the library directory path every time:
$ echo "$AWKPATH"
$ gawk '@include "foo.awk"; BEGIN{foo()}'
Hello World
$ mkdir blob
$ mv foo.awk blob
$ gawk '@include "foo.awk"; BEGIN{foo()}'
gawk: cmd. line:1: error: can't open source file `foo.awk' for reading (No such file or directory)
$ AWKPATH="$PWD/blob:$AWKPATH" gawk '@include "foo.awk"; BEGIN{foo()}'
Hello World
alternatively try:
gawk -f foo.awk -f - <<<'BEGIN{foo()}'