I have Puppet + Augeas working to assign variable values in a bash_profile, however I have not found a way to export the variables from the file.
augeas { "bash_profile-${user}-${name}":
incl => "/home/${user}/.bash_profile",
lens => 'Shellvars.lns',
changes => "set ${variable_name} '\"${literal_value}\"'",
Results in:
# .bash_profile
But what i need is:
# .bash_profile
export variable="value"
# or
export variable
This Puppet ticket seems like it should point in the right direction, but I can't make out how to write the export statements
This seems to do the trick:
augeas { "bash_profile-${user}-${name}":
incl => "/home/${user}/.bash_profile",
lens => 'Shellvars.lns',
changes => [
"set ${variable_name} '\"${literal_value}\"'",
"set ${variable_name}/export ''",