
Why is the script tag for LinkedIn auth not valid JavaScript?

The LinkedIn guide for setting up auth with the Javascript SDK shows a code sample but it's very confusing as to what the author actually means.

<script type="text/javascript" src="//">
    api_key:   [API_KEY]
    onLoad:    [ONLOAD]
    authorize: [AUTHORIZE]
    lang:      [LANG_LOCALE]

It's not valid JS, there's no commas, and quotes are omitted. Also, the example shows brackets but these have to be omitted or an error will be thrown. A real-world example would alleviate the confusion, but, of course, none is provided.

Here's a valid example but using a made-up API key (the API key is the same thing as the client ID – the guide doesn't bother to explain that)

<script type="text/javascript" src="//">
    api_key: 93h7nnksxj3ccd
    authorize: true
    lang: en_US

As you can see with this other SO question, I'm not the only one who is confused, this guy thought the same thing I did, which is that quotes would be needed.

How does this code actually work? Is this considered valid syntax for a script tag which has the type text/javascript?

[edit] Re: possible duplicate, seems this is not. See the selected answer. [/edit]


  • The external script is reading and parsing the script tag's innerHTML directly. This is covered by this blog article by Roger Hu:

    The article examines LinkedIn's JavaScript and identifies the parser used:

    Basically the code below appears to extract out the innerHTML and then set the variables r and K to be the key/value pairs. White spaces are removed with the replace() function.

    Here is a brief description, followed by longer excerpts:

    Data is extracted raw from the innerHTML:

    l = f.innerHTML.replace(A, n)

    A regular expression for each line is defined:

    g = (/^[\s]*(.*?)[\s]*:[\s]*(.*)[\s]*$/),

    It is used per line, setting r to the key and and K to the value.

    W = s.match(g);
    r = W[1].replace(A, n);
    K = W[2].replace(A, n)

    If there is no match, it provides the following error:

    script tag contents must be key/value pairs separated by a colon.

    Larger excerpt:

    for (U = 0, q = t.length; U < q; U++) {
        var f = t[U];
        if (!m.test(f.src)) {
        if (b.test(f.src)) {
            c = true
        try {
            l = f.innerHTML.replace(A, n)
        } catch (z) {
            try {
                l = f.text.replace(A, n)
            } catch (y) {}
    l = l.replace(J, "$1").replace(A, n).replace(F, n);
    ab = C.test(l.replace(j, n));
    for (var U = 0, T = l.split(k), q = T.length; U < q; U++) {
        var s = T[U];
        if (!s || s.replace(j, n).length <= 0) {
        try {
            W = s.match(g);
            r = W[1].replace(A, n);
            K = W[2].replace(A, n)
        } catch (Y) {
            if (!ab) {
                console.warn("script tag contents must be key/value pairs separated by a colon. Source: " + Y)
        N(r, K)

    The set of regular expressions is defined at the top of the script:

    var S = {
            "bootstrapInit": +new Date()
        p = document,
        m = (/^https?:\/\/.*?linkedin.*?\/in\.js.*?$/),
        b = (/async=true/),
        D = (/^https:\/\//),
        J = (/\/\*((?:.|[\s])*?)\*\//m),
        F = (/\r/g),
        j = (/[\s]/g),
        g = (/^[\s]*(.*?)[\s]*:[\s]*(.*)[\s]*$/),
        x = (/_([a-z])/gi),
        A = (/^[\s]+|[\s]+$/g),
        u = (/^[a-z]{2}(_)[A-Z]{2}$/),
        C = (/suppress(Warnings|_warnings):true/gi),
        d = (/^api(Key|_key)$/gi),