
Mapping a nested object as an observable from a complex JSON using the create callback

I've got a complex object in a JSON format. I'm using Knockout Mapping, customizing the create callback, and trying to make sure that every object that should be an observable - would actually be mapped as such.

The following code is an example of what I've got: It enables the user to add cartItems, save them (as a JSON), empty the cart, and then load the saved items.

The loading part fails: It doesn't display the loaded option (i.e., the loaded cartItemName). I guess it's related to some mismatch between the objects in the options list and the object bounded as the cartItemName (see this post), but I can't figure it out.

Code (fiddle):

var cartItemsAsJson = "";
var handlerVM = function () {
  var self = this;
  self.cartItems = ko.observableArray([]);
  self.availableProducts = ko.observableArray([]);
  self.language = ko.observable();
  self.init = function () {
  self.initProducts = function () {
      new productVM("Shelf", ['White', 'Brown']),
      new productVM("Door", ['Green', 'Blue', 'Pink']),
      new productVM("Window", ['Red', 'Orange'])
  self.getProducts = function () {
    return self.availableProducts;
  self.getProductName = function (product) {
    if (product) {
      return self.language() == "english" ? 
        product.productName().english : product.productName().french;
  self.getProductValue = function (selectedProduct) {
    // if not caption
    if (selectedProduct) {
      var matched = ko.utils.arrayFirst(self.availableProducts(), function (product) {
        return product.productName().english == selectedProduct.productName().english;
      return matched;
  self.getProductColours = function (selectedProduct) {
    selectedProduct = selectedProduct();
    if (selectedProduct) {
      return selectedProduct.availableColours();
  self.addCartItem = function () {
    self.cartItems.push(new cartItemVM());
  self.emptyCart = function () {
  self.saveCart = function () {
    cartItemsAsJson = ko.toJSON(self.cartItems);
  self.loadCart = function () {
    var loadedCartItems = ko.mapping.fromJSON(cartItemsAsJson, {
      create: function(options) {
        return new cartItemVM(;

var productVM = function (name, availableColours, data) {
  var self = this;
  self.productName = ko.observable({ english: name, french: name + "eux" });
  self.availableColours = ko.observableArray(availableColours);
var cartItemVM = function (data) {
  var self = this;
  self.cartItemName = data ?
     ko.observable(ko.mapping.fromJS(data.cartItemName)) :
  self.cartItemColour = data ?
     ko.observable(data.cartItemColour) :
var handler = new handlerVM();
<script src=""></script>
<script src="
  <div data-bind="foreach: cartItems">
      <select data-bind="options: $parent.getProducts(),
                optionsText: function (item) { return $parent.getProductName(item); },
                optionsValue: function (item) { return $parent.getProductValue(item); }, 
                optionsCaption: 'Choose a product',
                value: cartItemName"
      <select data-bind="options: $parent.getProductColours(cartItemName),
                optionsText: $data,
                optionsCaption: 'Choose a colour',
                value: cartItemColour,
                visible: cartItemName() != undefined"
    <button data-bind="text: 'add cart item', click: addCartItem" />
    <button data-bind="text: 'empty cart', click: emptyCart" />
    <button data-bind="text: 'save cart', click: saveCart" />
    <button data-bind="text: 'load cart', click: loadCart" />

What needs to be changed to fix it?

P.S.: I've got another piece of code (see it here) that demonstrates a persistance of the selected value even after changing the options - though there optionsValue is a simple string, while here it's an object.


I figured out the problem: the call ko.mapping.fromJS(data.cartItemName) creates a new productVM object, which is not one of the objects inside availableProducts array. As a result, none of the options corresponds to the productVM contained in the loaded cartItemName, so Knockout thereby clears the value altogether and passes undefined.

But the question remains: how can this be fixed?


  • In the transition from ViewModel -> plain object -> ViewModel you loose the relation between the products in your cart and the ones in your handlerVM.

    A common solution is to, when loading a plain object, manually search for the existing viewmodels and reference those instead. I.e.:

    In code, inside loadCart, before setting the new viewmodels:

        ci => {
          // Find out which product we have:
          const newProduct = ci.cartItemName().productName;
          const linkedProduct = self.availableProducts()
              .find(p => p.productName().english === newProduct.english());
          // Replace the newProduct by the one that is in `handlerVM`


    As you can see, the equality comparison is kind of ugly. We look for the english product name and use it to determine the match. You can also see there's a difference in what is observable and what isn't.

    My advice would be to use unique id properties for your product, and start using those. You can create a simpler optionsValue binding and matching new and old values happens automatically. If you like, I can show you an example of this refactor as well. Let me know if that'd help.