While reading an article on implementation of a generalised curry in Javascript, I stumbled upon this piece of code.
function curry(fn) {
return (...xs) => {
if (xs.length === 0) {
throw Error('EMPTY INVOCATION');
if (xs.length >= fn.length) {
return fn(...xs);
return curry(fn.bind(null, ...xs));
I am unable to grok the part of the explanation which states
We create a copy of fn that has the first k arguments bound (partially applied) and pass it to curry as the next fn, with its reduced arity of N - k.
How does the arity of fn
reduced to N-k in the subsequent calls? A bound function with k arguments should have an arity of k right?
A bound function returns a function with partially applied arguments, so f(a, b, c)
becomes f.bind(null, a).bind(null, b)(c)