If I have an object with nested properties. Is there a function that will search all properties, and the properties with values that are other objects (which also have their own properties) and so forth?
Example object:
const user = {
id: 101,
email: 'help@stack.com',
info: {
name: 'Please',
address: {
state: 'WX'
In the object above is there a way I could simply call something like
console.log(findProp(user, 'state'));
console.log(findProp(user, 'id'));
What you need is a recursive function which looks up nested items (Object and Array as well) for the matching key (i also added an array for the lookup):
var user = { id: 101, email: 'help@stack.com', info: {name: 'Please', address: {state: 'WX' }, contacts: [{'phone': '00000000'}, {'email': 'aaa@bbb.ccc'}]}}
function keyFinder(object, key) {
if(object.hasOwnProperty(key)) return object[key];
for(let subkey in object) {
if(!object.hasOwnProperty(subkey) || typeof object[subkey] !== "object") continue;
let match = keyFinder(object[subkey], key);
if(match) return match;
return null;
console.log('id', keyFinder(user, 'id'));
console.log('state', keyFinder(user, 'state'));
console.log('phone', keyFinder(user, 'phone'));
console.log('notexisting', keyFinder(user, 'notexisting'));
guards against iterating over or retrieving built-in properties.