I have a hybrid angular application tha uses both angularJS and angular 5.
I'm migrating a controller from angularJS to angular 5. This controller (let's call controller1) have the following code:
$rootScope.$emit('goToHomeEvent', 'Navigate to HomePage');
Then, I have another controller (let's call controller2) that subscribes the goToHomeEvent
$rootScope.$on('goToHomeEvent', function (event, data) {
//Do some stuff
My goal is to only migrate the controller1 to angular 5, mantaining the code of controller2 has it is, maintaining the ability to subscribe the goToHomeEvent
Any suggestions?
The solution I came up is to create global functions and associate them to them to the window variable like this:
$rootScope.$emit('goToHomeEvent', 'Navigate to HomePage');
controller2 (in angular 2+):
window["goToHomeEvent"] = fuction(data) {
//do stuff here