Is there a way to completely remove a workflow from an application when there are records still 'in process'? I've tried inactivating the workflow, but of course it won't allow that while there are records still 'in' the workflow.
Update: I did try setting the fields to 0/false. That did allow me to delete the workflow fields, but it did not allow the workflow itself to be deleted. I started looking through the database tables and found tblEnrolledContent and tblContentReviewStage. In tblEnrolledContent, I found the records 'stuck' in the review_stage id that matched to the workflow stage in tblContentReviewStage. I deleted the records equal to that stage id and I was able to then delete the workflow without issue. I did try this on a development environment. I have had no issues with the application, and I had no issues creating a new workflow on the application.
In 5.5 - found solution was to delete the rows in tblEnrolledContent where stage_id = the id of the stage of your workflow in tblContentReviewStage. This then allowed me to delete the workflow entirely in application builder.