Uninstalling antd from my meteor project drops the build time by 38-40s on average. The profiler shows that plugin less needs >38s to deal with antd's huge less archive:
| other plugin less.......................................38,766 ms (2)
this number drops to <1s (572ms) when i uninstall antd:
| other plugin less..........................................572 ms (2)
>30s is simply too long to wait for the app to refresh during development.
Does anyone know a strategy to avoid this delay?
Looks like the upcoming meteor update fixes this.
I updated to the recent beta:
meteor update --release 1.7.1-beta.10
restarted meteor with the profiler:
VELOCITY_DEBUG=1 VELOCITY_DEBUG_MIRROR=1 METEOR_PROFILE=1 meteor --inspect | grep 'less\|Total'
and now the less plugin is taking way less than 1 second on file save
and total rebuild time is back within reason:
| │ │ ├─ plugin less 45 ms (2)
| (#5) Total: 4,270 ms (Rebuild App)