I have some code snippet like this:
from flask import Flask
from flask_pymongo import PyMongo
from pymongo import InsertOne, UpdateOne, DeleteOne, ReplaceOne
from flask import jsonify
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['MONGO_DBNAME'] = 'MyDB'
mongo = PyMongo(app)
coll = mongo.db['collection1']
requests = []
for d in data_to_delete:
requests.append(DeleteOne({'key1': d}))
result = coll.bulk_writes(requests)
return jsonify(result=result.deleted_count)
When I try to execute it, I get the error message:
TypeError: 'Collection' object is not callable. If you meant to call the 'bulk_writes' method on a 'Collection' object it is failing because no such method exists.
PyMongo documentation says that Collection
object has this method, though I know that Flask-Pymongo
is a wrapper around PyMongo
What could be the problem, and how could I use bulk_writes()
with Flask-Pymongo
Thank you for your help!
Look like you made a typo, adding an "s" to the method name. Try bulk_write
with no "s".
Flask-PyMongo, like PyMongo itself and the MongoDB shell, treat unknown attribute names on collections as dotted collection names, so it thinks you're trying to call a collection called collection1.bulk_writes