
Getting coordinate information of UK places from DBpedia via SPARQL

I have a list of places in the UK. I want to get their latitude and longitude information from the I have just started to learn SPARQL, and I am not very familiar with the DBpedia. Currently, I am trying to retrieve at least one place, but so far no success. If I manage to get one place, then I will try to get all the places.

The list of places are like the following:

Lee on the Solent

What I want to get is The place name, Latitude, Longitude. How can achieve this with the SPARQL?

I have tried the following query on getting at least the information of one place (Llandysul) but even this did not work.

PREFIX dbo: <>
PREFIX geo:  <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?place ?lat ?lng
 ?place a dbo:Place.
 ?place rdfs:label "Llandysul".
 ?place geo:lat ?lat .
 ?place geo:long ?lng .

What am I doing wrong? How can get the information of one place initially, and in the next step information of all place inside a list? Furthermore, if I could add a condition to make sure the place belongs to the UK, that would be great.

Many thanks.


  • I think this query will get what you want, but note that you must have the correct label; there are no partial matches (so "Lee on the Solent"@en won't get you "Lee-on-the-Solent"@en) --

    PREFIX dbo: <>
    PREFIX geo:  <>
    SELECT DISTINCT ?place ?label ?lat ?lng
    WHERE { 
      ?place a dbo:Place .
      ?place rdfs:label ?label 
         FILTER ( ?label IN ( "Llandysul"@en, 
                ) ) .
      ?place geo:lat ?lat .
      ?place geo:long ?lng .

    As @JoshuaTaylor suggests, you could also use this query variant (results) --

    PREFIX dbo: <>
    PREFIX geo:  <>
    SELECT DISTINCT ?place ?label ?lat ?lng
    WHERE { 
      ?place a dbo:Place .
      ?place rdfs:label ?label 
         VALUES ?label { "Llandysul"@en
                         "Lee-on-the-Solent"@en} .
      ?place geo:lat ?lat .
      ?place geo:long ?lng .

    There shouldn't be much difference between the two; perhaps a bit faster with the second.