
Print spaces between each element using a fold expression

I am using a fold expression to print elements in a variadic pack, but how do I get a space in between each element?

Currently the output is "1 234", the desired output is "1 2 3 4"

template<typename T, typename Comp = std::less<T> >
struct Facility
template<T ... list>
struct List
    static void print()

template<T head,T ... list>
struct List<head,list...>
    static void print()
     std::cout<<"\""<<head<<" ";

template<int ... intlist>
using IntList = typename Facility<int>::List<intlist...>;
int main()
 using List1 = IntList<1,2,3,4>;


  • you can that

    #include <iostream>
    template<typename T>
    struct Facility
    template<T head,T ... list>
    struct List
        static void print()
         std::cout<<"\"" << head;
         ((std::cout << " " << list), ...);
    template<int ... intlist>
    using IntList = typename Facility<int>::List<intlist...>;
    int main()
     using List1 = IntList<1,2,3,4>;

    the fold expression ((std::cout << " " << list), ...) will expands to ((std::cout << " " << list1), (std::cout << " " << list2), (std::cout << " " << list3)...)