How can I avoid “You have included the Google Maps JavaScript API multiple times on this page. This may cause unexpected errors.” if I am using google-map-react to display the map and react-places-autocomplete in another component to get the address and coordinates?
// LocationMapPage component that displays the map box and pass the props to it
class LocationMapPage extends Component {
render() {
let {latLng,name,address} = this.props.location;
return (
<MapBox lat={} lng={latLng.lng} name={name} address={address}/>
//MapBox component
import React from "react";
import GoogleMapReact from 'google-map-react';
import apiKey from "../../configureMap";
const Marker = () => <i className="fa fa-map-marker fa-2x text-danger" />
const MapBox = ({lat,lng, name, address}) => {
const center = [lat,lng];
const zoom = 14;
return (
<div style={{ height: '300px', width: '100%' }}>
bootstrapURLKeys={{ key: apiKey }}
text={`${name}, ${address}`}
export default MapBox;
Map is blank:
The Error in the console:You have included the Google Maps JavaScript API multiple times on this page. This may cause unexpected errors.
How to solve?
I am using google-map-react, react-places-autocomplete in the project.
As a temporary solution to my specific use case where I use the google map API's in two different components I have just added the script in the index.html:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
I did it in order to avoid that particular error as per of the documentation on the react-places-autocomplete GitHub page.