
my api sometimes need cache data sometimes and sometimes not required?

my service sometimes need cache data sometimes and sometimes not required , so i would like to write an method that could clear cache when not needed AND #could someone help me creating a restful, java 8 spring boot#


  • Spring provides annotations that can help you with that purpose. If you conditionally need caching, you could for example use the condition parameter of the @Cacheable annotation, for example:

    @Cacheable(cacheNames="stuff", condition="#cached")
    public List<Stuff> findAll(boolean cached) {
        // ...

    In this case, if you call findAll(true), it will return the cached result, while if you call findAll(false), it will act as if the annotation isn't there.

    Creating a REST API from it isn't that difficult, since your cached parameter could come from a request parameter as well:

    @Cacheable(cacheNames="stuff", condition="#cached")
    public List<Stuff> findAll(@RequestParam boolean cached) {
        // ...

    Additionally, if you want to clear the cache, you can use the @CacheEvict annotation:

    public void clearCache() {

    And just like before, you can turn this is an endpoint:

     public void clearCache() {