
How to use environment variables in React app hosted in Azure

I'm pretty new to React, and exploring Azure in general as well. I've gotten an ERP background, but that background did include using tools like VSTS and CI/CD. I've heavily relied upon using the 'libraries' in VSTS to specify variables per environment, and then specifying these upon deployment.

But! I've been reading around on the internet, and playing with settings, but to my understanding, I can only 'embed' parameters in the actual code that is generated by NPM. This would basically mean that I'd need to create a seperate build per environment, which I'm not used to. I've always been tought (and tell others) that what you ship to production, should be exactly the same as what has been on pre-prod, or staging, or ... . Is there really no other way to use environment variables? I was thinking of using the Application Settings in Azure App Service, but I can't get them to even pop up in the console. The libraries in VSTS, haven't found how to use these in my deployment either, as there's just one step.

And reading the docs at doesn't make me feel comfortable putting .env files in source control either. I even tried the approach of putting {process.env.NODE_ENV} in my code, but in Azure it just shows up as 'Development', while I even do npm run build (which should be production)...

So, I'm a bit lost here! How can I use environment variables specified in Azure App Service, in my React app?



  • As an update, it's a bit different then my original approach, but I've gone through the route of using DotEnv and thus using .env files, which I will generate on the fly in VSTS, using the library variables, and thus NOT storing them in source control.

    To use DotEnv, I updated the webpack.config; const Dotenv = require('dotenv-webpack');

    module.exports = {
        plugins: [
            new Dotenv()

    Then basically, I created a .env file containing my parameters


    And to be able to consume them in my TSX files I just use process.env;

    static getCustomer(id) {
        return fetch(process.env.MD_API_URL + 'customers/' + id, { mode: 'cors' })
            .then(response => {
            return response.json();
        }).catch(error => {
            return error;