
Is there way to update modified on, created on and created by fields in CRM?

I need to update modifiedon, createdon, modifiedby in CRM using SSIS via kingswaysoft. Is it possible? Because right now kingswaysoft is not showing these fields for mapping.


  • In regards to these special fields, please check below:

    createdon: create-only field, this field is only available for create operation (Create or Upsert action in the destination component). You would need to map your existing created date column from the source to the overriddencreatedon field in the CRM Destination component. Behind the scenes, the created date would get passed to the createdon field. NOTE that the overriddencreatedon field is NOT updatable, so you should provide the value when you create the record.

    modifiedon: modifiedon field is not supported as the field is designed to be an auditing field, CRM platform does not allow to write to this field directly through web service API. However, it is possible to use a new custom field to receive the value and use CRM plugin code to inject the value to the modifiedon field, but this does require coding and some extra configuration. Generally speaking, there isn’t really much value migrating the modifiedon field, as it changes as soon as the record is touched in the new system.

    modifiedby: update-only field, this field is only available for update operation (Update or Upsert action). When Upsert action is used, the modifiedby field would show up only if the Batch Size = 1. And it would only work if the Upsert action is identified as update because this column is NOT creatable.

    Hope this helps.