
How long does it take to write a single character to an LCD 16x2 display with 8MHz AVR

I need to create some major improvements in my circut and I am not sure if the LCD display I am using is or is not the bottleneck.
Assuming well designed C code, how long would it take to set cursor position to (0,0), write 4 characters (or a single character) and set cursor to next line?
Does checking the busy flag increase/decrease the operation time?
I know measuring times like those can be problematic but I just need the order of magnitude. (Although if You have some experience with specific times please share your benchmarks).


  • On page 52 the datasheet states the "Enable cycle time" t[cycE] is 500ns min. => At least 500ns are needed to send one word (4 or 8 bits) of data to the display.

    Add to that the processing time for each operation (37µs for most). The return home command however takes 1500µs and hence dominates the processing time.