
MVS JES2 purge job with IEFSSREQ macro

I want to purge/cancel/spin a job by requesting the action to JES2 with the IEFSSREQ macro. Everything seems to work well but no job is affected by the request. I thought it was a filter problem in the SSJM structure but when I specify nothing in the filters I have no error (I should have one according to the documentation) and no job is affected as well.

Here is my code:

char *pcJobId = "JOB03101";
int iRc;
char * __ptr32 pworkArea = __malloc31(60);
memset(pworkArea, 0, 60);
struct ssib * __ptr32 pSSIB = __malloc31(sizeof(struct ssib));
struct ssob * __ptr32 pSSOB = __malloc31(sizeof(struct ssob));
struct ssjm * __ptr32 pSSJM = __malloc31(sizeof(struct ssjm));

memset(pSSIB, 0, sizeof(struct ssib));
memcpy(pSSIB->ssibid, "SSIB", 4);
pSSIB->ssiblen = SSIBSIZE;
memcpy(pSSIB->ssibssnm, "JES2", 4);

memset(pSSJM, 0, sizeof(struct ssjm));
memcpy(pSSJM->ssjmeye, "SSJMPL  ", 8);
pSSJM->ssjmlen = SSJMSIZE;
pSSJM->ssjmvrm = SSJMVRM1;
pSSJM->ssjmopt1 = SSJMPSYN;
pSSJM->ssjmreqp._ssjmtype = SSJMPRG;
pSSJM->ssjmsel1 = SSJMSOJI;
memcpy(pSSJM->ssjmojbi, pcJobId, 8);

memset(pSSOB, 0, sizeof(struct ssob));
memcpy(pSSOB->ssobid, "SSOB", 4);
pSSOB->ssoblen = SSOBHSIZ;
pSSOB->ssobfunc = (short int)85;
pSSOB->ssobssib = pSSIB;
pSSOB->ssobindv = (int)pSSJM;

void * __ptr32 * pParmList = __malloc31(4);
*pParmList = (void * __ptr32) ((int32_t)pSSOB | (int32_t)0x80000000); // the high-order bit must be on
iRc = 0;
__asm(" SAM31\n"
      " SYSSTATE AMODE64=NO\n"
      " IEFSSREQ\n"
      " SAM64\n"
      : "=XL:NR:r15"(iRc)
      : "XL:NR:r1"(pParmList), "XL:NR:r13"(pworkArea)
      : "r0", "r1", "r13", "r14", "r15");
printf("IEFSSREQ rc=%d\n", iRc);
printf("ssobretn=%d\n", pSSOB->ssobretn);
printf("ssjmretn=%d\n", pSSJM->ssjmretn);
printf("ssjmret2=%d\n", pSSJM->ssjmret2);
printf("ssjmnsjf=%d\n", pSSJM->ssjmnsjf);
printf("ssjmsjf8=%p\n", pSSJM->ssjmsjf8);

According to the documentation I get feedback for every jobs affected by the request in the SSJMSJF8 pointer and the SSJMNSJF should be the number of feedbacks I get, which is also the number of jobs affected by the request.

My code print this:


Here is a link to the documentation I talked about. I'm using the Modify Job Function Call (number 85) and this is page 460.$file/ieaf200_v2r3.pdf


  • I could not see something obvious. I tried to get your code working on our system, but I'm not good enough in C, unfortunately to complete what is not shown above.

    Alternatively, I tried to get it running in plain assembler. I'm getting same results as you. I tried PURGE and CANCEL requests. All don't seem to do anything. However, when specifying an invalid jobid, IEFSSREQ complains with corresponding return codes, so I know the IEFSSREQ is being invoked correctly. Must be something stupid.

    Sorry I can't be of more help so far