
Context-aware merge?

Is there any diff/merge tool for programming languages, that works in a syntax-aware way (like XML Diff Tool), doing more than compare line-by-line (and optionally ignoring whitespace).

I'm interested in a program actually following the language syntax and delimeters, suggesting changes without breaking syntactic correctness, or bundling statements separated over multiple lines. Example behavior would be:

*upon finding an if(){ which introduces an extra nesting level automatically bundle the closing brace } several lines below with it.)

*keep matching syntax elements together, avoid silliness like removing a block tends to create:

 int function_A()
     int ret;
     ret = something;
     ret += something_else;

      return ret;

  int function_B()
         int ret;
         ret = something;
         ret += something_else;

          return ret;

       else return -1;

Personally, I'd love to find software capable of handling C++ syntax, but knowing about solutions for other languages would be interesting too.


  • Beyond Compare does some of what you're asking. It doesn't maintain syntactical correctness or compare language blocks at a time, but it can do the following:

    It's by far the best diff-and-merge tool that I've used. It's also cross platform, cheap ($30 for standard, $50 for pro), and has a very generous evaluation period, so it's worth a try.