
rendering html templates golang revel

I am hoping someone will be able to help me out. I have started building a web app and decided to go with GO and Revel. So far I've learnt quite a few things but there is this one functionality I can't seem to be able to get working. I have the following code:

package controllers

import (
_ "github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb"

type App struct {

type resultRow struct {
TransactionDomain string
TransactionType string
TransactionIsoResponse string
Store string
Terminal string
Vendor string
RequestDT string
ResponseDT string
AccountDisplay string
AccountDetails1 string
InvoiceNumber string
Amount string

type colNames struct {
Name string

type resultTable struct {
fpk string
columns []colNames
resultRows []resultRow
func (c App) FpkTable() revel.Result {
//all db section goes here. I have confirmed the results are obtaind back 
//from the db.
    err = rows.Scan(&resRow.TransactionDomain,
    if err != nil {
        revel.INFO.Println("Scan failed:", err.Error())
    arrRow = append(arrRow, resRow)
columnNames := []colNames{{Name:"Domain"}, {Name:"Type"}, {Name:"Vendor Response"}, {Name:"Store"}, {Name:"Register"}, 
{Name:"Request DT"}, {Name:"Response DT"}, {Name:"Account"}, {Name:"Token"}, {Name:"Invoice"}, {Name:"Amount"}}
table := &resultTable{c.Request.FormValue("store") + "-" + c.Request.FormValue("register") + "-" + c.Request.FormValue("invoice") + "-" + c.Request.FormValue("date"), columnNames, arrRow}
return c.Render(table)

I have the following html template:

<div class="row">
        {{range .columns}}

And I am expecting to see something like this

<div class="row">

But Instead I am getting no values passed into the template at

 <div class="row">

        //This line makes me believe the processing of the
        //template is being done properly except the data 
        //is not being passed properly to the template.

I have gone through every possible site wondering about this but I haven't been able to find a solution.

I am sure this will be something simple but anyhow, thanks for any help you might be able to provide.


  • I am not sure about your template syntax, usually I range doing it like so:

    <div class="row">
            {{range $index, $element := .columns}}

    Another thing that I can think off is that your data may be empty, have you tried checking the columns struct field to see if it contains data?