
Symfony - addHaving - concat + regexp

Raw query:

select firstfield, secondfield, phone_number, thirdfield 
from table 
having CONCAT(firstfield, ' ', secondfield, ' ', thirdfield, ' ', fourthfield) regexp 'value' 
   and CONCAT(firstfield, ' ', secondfield, ' ', thirdfield, ' ', fourthfield) regexp 'value2' 
   and CONCAT(firstfield, ' ', secondfield, ' ', thirdfield, ' ', fourthfield) regexp 'value3'
   and CONCAT(firstfield, ' ', secondfield, ' ', thirdfield, ' ', fourthfield) regexp 'value4'


    )->from(Table, 'u');

$queryHaving = "CONCAT(firstfield, ' ', secondfield, ' ', thirdfield, ' ', fourthfield) regexp 'value'";

$queryHaving = "CONCAT(firstfield, ' ', secondfield, ' ', thirdfield, ' ', fourthfield) regexp 'value2'";


How to collect concat with regexp not as function? Tried using literal() function but it is not possible to create due error throws on not possible to assign into.


  • The query seems to work for me for MySQL with any of these 2 forms:

    select *
    from test
    having concat(field1, field2) regexp '^[FB].*' and
           concat(field1, field2) regexp 'o$';
    select *
    from test
    where concat(field1, field2) regexp '^[FB].*' and
          concat(field1, field2) regexp 'o$';

    See demo here

    I'm just thinkging about the problem could be with CHAR columns

    So, for example, one column would have FOO<space><space> on a CHAR(5) instead of FOO at VARCHAR(5). So when concatenating you would have something similar to FOO<space><space>BAR<space><space> and thus the regex would fail.

    However, with SQLFiddle it doesn't seem to be the case. It does not seem to add spaces. See here.

    Anyways, it may be worth trying on your app: Are you using chars or varchars? Could you try adding trims at the columns, like this:

    select *,concat(trim(field1), trim(field2))
    from test
    having concat(trim(field1), trim(field2)) regexp '^[FB].*' and
           concat(trim(field1), trim(field2)) regexp 'o$';
    select *,concat(trim(field1), trim(field2))
    from test
    where concat(trim(field1), trim(field2)) regexp '^[FB].*' and
          concat(trim(field1), trim(field2)) regexp 'o$';

    Demo here.