I am using libxml-ruby for parsing XML.
I can able to create the xml file using libxml-ruby, but the problem is I am not able to declare the namespace for generated XML document.
Please help me how to create the namespace for newly generating XML.
The code written for creating xml is:
require 'rubygems'
require 'libxml'
filename = 'something.xml'
stats_doc = LibXML::XML::Document.new()
stats_doc.root = LibXML::XML::Node.new('root_node')
stats_doc.root << LibXML::XML::Node.new('elem1')
stats_doc.save(filename, :indent => true, :encoding => LibXML::XML::Encoding::UTF_8)
You just have to create a new instance of the XML::Namespace class as described here. Below you can find modified version of your example.
require 'rubygems'
require 'libxml'
filename = 'something.xml'
stats_doc = LibXML::XML::Document.new()
stats_doc.root = LibXML::XML::Node.new('root_node')
LibXML::XML::Namespace.new(stats_doc.root, 'soap', 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/')
stats_doc.root << LibXML::XML::Node.new('elem1')
stats_doc.save(filename, :indent => true, :encoding => LibXML::XML::Encoding::UTF_8)