I want to move some millions of s3 objects to glacier.
So I will set s3 lifecyle rules like this.
Rule 1
prefix: path/to/object1/1.jpg
Rule 2
prefix: path/to/object2/2.jpg
Rule n
prefix: ...
Is there any limitation on number of lifecyle rules?
Target objects have no common pattern on path.
This is admittedly a little bit elusive in the documentation, but it is mentioned here:
An S3 Lifecycle configuration can have up to 1,000 rules. This limit is not adjustable. The
element uniquely identifies a rule. ID length is limited to 255 characters.
Source: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/intro-lifecycle-rules.html
Each bucket can have only 1 lifecycle configuration (or none), so that's your limit.