
SCORM authoring tool

Im starting a new project. The aim of the project is to create a e-authoring tool for building courses in SCORM Complaint. Im new to this domain and I have little idea on this. I have taken a view on authoring tool in Articulate, which my customer requires to do the same. I understood the content creation, but I am trying to understand How can I export this as SCORM compliant course? In between I learned about xAPI as well And understood it is a kind of enhanced SCORM. Could any one guide me to understand this,

1) How can create content from my custom authoring tool and export as SCORM complaint

2) Is it better to use xAPI or SCORM.

3) How is the SCORM pacakge communicate with my custom made LMS?

4) Heard about LRS,

My custom authoring tool will be made in React and store would MondDB Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou!


  • That is a lot to take on, particularly all at once.

    1) The SCORM spec is made up of multiple parts. There is a packaging portion and a runtime portion. The basics are that your package needs to be a zip file, and that zip needs to include specific files that indicate to the LMS what type of standard it is along with other metadata about the package. For SCORM this will be called an imsmanifest.xml file. For xAPI you are most likely going to use a cmi5.xml (see cmi5) or a tincan.xml file (what Articulate Storyline exports when it says "xAPI"). The other parts of the package will depend on what standard and version of that standard (for SCORM 1.2, 2004 2nd, 3rd, or 4th edition) you are targeting, realizing that different LMSs support different standards and different degrees of those standards.

    Once you have a package constructed that will import, the content itself (usually an HTML file) will need to locate the JavaScript API provided by the SCORM player (from the LMS) and make specific calls depending on what the content is needing to store or read, this is the runtime portion. The calls will again depend on the standard and version. For xAPI based packages (either tincan.xml packages or cmi5 packages) the content will communicate directly to the LRS based on the information provided on the URL at launch time (there is no built in JavaScript API).

    2) This entirely depends on what your customer base looks like and the types of data that you intend to capture. SCORM is a more mature landscape and has wider adoption and is more heavily specified, if the information you need to capture fits into its limited information model then it is still an excellent choice. If you need significant data portability and/or the information you need to capture goes beyond compliance data (pass/fail, complete, and score) and/or interaction data (questions + answers) then you should consider xAPI, specifically via cmi5.

    3) The LMS must provide a JavaScript API (specified by the SCORM runtime) which the content will use as its interface. The storage/retrieval of data is implementation specific for the LMS beyond what is included in the specification for the JavaScript API.

    4) You didn't really include a question here.

    I would suggest familiarizing yourself with the two sets of standards via and And although it is a plug for my company's product, you may want to consider the Rustici Driver as it is a product (library) specifically designed to make it easy for an authoring tool to export content as SCORM 1.2, 2004, AICC, cmi5 or Tin Can (the latter two being xAPI). Once you have your tool up and running with minimal standards support you should consider testing it on Rustici's SCORM Cloud (it is free for this purpose), see