Here I've found that there's an ability to add a callback as the 3rd argument to a leave
But it doesn't work. How to add a callback or something else to a instance.connection.muc.leave() method to make sure that a chat-room was left successfully? Maybe there are some more ways to make sure that we have left a chat-room?
function handler_cb() {
console.log('>>>>>>>>> leave was successfull');
function leaveChat() {
instance.connection.muc.leave(room, nick, handler_cb);
I think there is a mistake in the plugin itself
They use presenceid (stanza id) attribute to match a response from server
but not all the servers use stanza id in presences. Actually there is nothing about presence ID in XEP-0045 exit presence, so some servers may implement an ID echo logic but mostly not (and looks like your XMPP server as well)
So I recommend to set this header by yourself, w/o 'presenceid':
function leaveChat() {
instance.connection.addHandler(leaveCallback, null, "presence", "unavailable");
instance.connection.muc.leave(room, nick);
function leaveCallback() {
console.log('>>>>>>>>> leave was successfull');