I work on Microsoft Excel with a lot of data, especially Manufacturing date(MFD) and Batch No.
A date can have number of entries, possibilities of the entries be similar or different. for example,
05-Apr-18 AD0418BB05
05-Apr-18 AD0418BB05
06-Apr-18 AD0418BB06
06-Apr-18 AD0418BB06
07-Apr-18 AA0418BB07
07-Apr-18 BB0418BB07
I tried consolidating the dates in another column, using the formula ,
=IFERROR(INDEX($A$2:$A$15, MATCH(0,COUNTIF($D$1:D1, $A$2:$A$15), 0)),"")
In the next column, i used concatenateif formula to concatenate the values corresponding to each date. the code is as follows,
=CONCATENATEIF($A$2:$A$15, D2, $B$2:$B$15, ",")
The output that i get is,
05-Apr-18 AD0418BB05,AD0418BB05
06-Apr-18 AD0418BB06,AD0418BB06
07-Apr-18 AA0418BB07,BB0418BB07
On 07-Apr-18
, it is great. But, on 05-Apr-18
AND 06-Apr-18
, two similar entries are concatenated. I want it be displayed only once. Have anyone got any ideas what I should do?
Thanks in advance.
P.S. : I can't carry out remove duplicates option, as i have many data related to this!!
You need to adjust your concatenate function for this.
I introduced a AllowDuplicates
parameter to choose if duplicates should be concatenated or not.
So use it like =CONCATENATEIF($A$2:$A$15, D2, $B$2:$B$15, ",", FALSE)
to have no duplicates.
Function ConcatenateIf(CriteriaRange As Range, _
Condition As Variant, _
ConcatenateRange As Range, _
Optional Separator As String = ",", _
Optional AllowDuplicates As Boolean = True) As Variant
Dim strResult As String
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
If CriteriaRange.Count <> ConcatenateRange.Count Then
ConcatenateIf = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
End If
Dim dict As Object
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To CriteriaRange.Count
If CriteriaRange.Cells(i).Value = Condition Then
If AllowDuplicates Then
strResult = strResult & Separator & ConcatenateRange.Cells(i).Value
If Not dict.Exists(ConcatenateRange.Cells(i).Value) Then
dict.Add ConcatenateRange.Cells(i).Value, 0
strResult = strResult & Separator & ConcatenateRange.Cells(i).Value
End If
End If
End If
Next i
If strResult <> "" Then
strResult = Mid(strResult, Len(Separator) + 1)
End If
ConcatenateIf = strResult
Exit Function
ConcatenateIf = CVErr(xlErrValue)
End Function