I am working with Tibco BW5.I have JMS selectors string that looks like this:
SelectorString = "Name='Value' AND Name='Value' AND Name='Value' AND ...."
I need to use this string in "JMS Queue Requestor" or "JMS Queue Sender" as JMS selectors.
For setting selectors to "JMS Queue Requestor" or "JMS Queue Sender" I am using "DynamicProperties" in "Input" tab:
For mapping SelectorString to "DynamicProperties" I created "Repeat-Until-True" group with MapData inside.
Repeat condition:
($i >= count(tib:tokenize($Start/root/SelectorString, "AND")))
I map "name" to:
tib:trim(tib:tokenize(tib:tokenize($Start/root/SelectorString, "AND")[$i], "=")[1])
I map "value" to:
substring-before(substring-after(tib:tokenize(tib:tokenize($Start/root/SelectorString, "AND")[$i], "=")[2], "'"), "'")
Then I set accumulated output to "JMS Queue Requestor" dynamic properties.
Please see screenshot:
Is there more elegant way to do this ?
Looks like you have not much experience with set-based math ... a typical "sequential programmer's approach to sets":-(
Assuming that the you have a non-hierarchical statement (containing ONLY "AND" between name value pairs) you can once translate " AND " into a single "special char" (like "¶"), use a for-each XML element with the tokenized string it by this char and then split and trim the name and values inside the for-each.
That's the set-based approach which btw is much faster than the iteration loop (4 simple lines of XPath code)