I'm trying to create a Scheduled Task with the following Trigger:
- Startup
- Run every 5 minutes
- Run indefinitely
In the GUI I can do this easily by selecting:
- Begin the task: at startup
And in the Advanced tab:
- Repeat task every: 5 minutes
- For a duration of: indefinitely
But I'm having trouble doing it with Powershell.
My troubled code:
$repeat = (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 5)
$duration = ([timeSpan]::maxvalue)
$trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -AtStartup -RepetitionInterval $repeat -RepetitionDuration $duration
It won't take the RepetitionInterval and RepetitionDuration parameters. But I need that functionality. How could I accomplish my goal?
To set the task literally with a "Startup" trigger and a repetition, it seems you have to reach in to COM (or use the TaskScheduler UI, obviously..).
# Create the task as normal
$action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute "myApp.exe"
Register-ScheduledTask -Action $action -TaskName "My Task" -Description "Data import Task" -User $username -Password $password
# Now add a special trigger to it with COM API.
# Get the service and task
$ts = New-Object -ComObject Schedule.Service
$task = $ts.GetFolder("\").GetTask("My Task").Definition
# Create the trigger
$startTrigger.Repetition.Interval="PT10M" # ten minutes
$startTrigger.Repetition.StopAtDurationEnd=$false # on to infinity
# Re-save the task in place.
$ts.GetFolder("\").RegisterTaskDefinition("My Task", $task, $TASK_CREATE_OR_UPDATE, $username, $password, $TASK_LOGIN_PASSWORD)