I would like to know whether it is advisable to deploy in production a rule-based model created with IBM Watson Knowledge Studio (WKS), as it is an experimental feature.
IBM documentation clearly recommends not to use its experimental features in production: https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/watson-knowledge-studio/troubleshooting.html#experimental .
However, an old post IBM Watson Knowledge Studio 2.0 - deploying a rule-based model is experimental. What does that mean? seems to guarantee that this feature is actually stable and won't be removed in the future. At the same time a more recent post at https://developer.ibm.com/answers/questions/440983/is-my-wks-experimental-data-lost/ shows what happened to someone who deployed its experimental WKS project and then lost it (even though that post is not about rule-based models).
Thank you in advance!
Thank you for your question. I re-read my original answer and I admit that it was a bit ambiguous, for which I apologize. I updated my original answer. To be more clear:
My apologies for the initial confusion. I hope that this answer is more clear than my previous one.
Kind regards,