
A single-file WebAssembly html demo

Where can I find a simplest one-file demo showing usage of WebAssembly in html?

JavaScript example is easy:

function hw() { console.log("Hello, world."); }
<button onclick="hw()">HW</button>

Is there a WebAssembly analogue?

I expect it to have something like a hard-coded byte buffer with a wasm binary, which is loaded and some trivial function of it is executed. Here is outline of what I expect:

function hw() { 
    var wasm_code = [255, 0, 128, ..., whatever, ...];
    var magic = give_me_wasm(wasm_code);
    var x = magic.my_add(2,2);
    console.log("2 + 2 = ", x); 
<button onclick="hw()">HW</button>

Can such demo be done, it a simple form that can be pasted in Developer Console and tried without setting up any frameworks and tools?


  • Done myself:

    var wasm_base64;
    var wasm_buffer;
    var wasm;
    var wasm_instance;
    function hw() {
        wasm_base64 = "AGFzbQEAAAABBwFgAnx8AXwDAgEABwoBBm15X2FkZAAACgkBBwAgACABoAs=";
        wasm_buffer = Uint8Array.from(atob(wasm_base64), c => c.charCodeAt(0)).buffer;
        WebAssembly.compile(wasm_buffer).then(x => {
            wasm = x;
            wasm_instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(wasm);
            var x = wasm_instance.exports.my_add(2,2);
            console.log("2+2 = ",x);
    <button onclick="hw()">HW</button>

    Here is embedded WebAssembly text form (q.wat):

      (type (;0;) (func (param f64 f64) (result f64)))
      (func $myadd (type 0) (param f64 f64) (result f64)
        get_local 0
        get_local 1
      (export "my_add" (func $myadd))

    Here are command lines to generate that base64 buffer:

    $ wat2wasm q.wat -o w.wasm
    $ base64 -w0 w.wasm ;echo

    wasm and wasm_instance objects can be explored using Developer Console.

    Checked in Firefox 63.0b9.