
How to make a messenger chat bot without a facebook app and webhook?

I went through the documentation for creating a chatbot for messenger platform.

All I find there, I need a server, which in the case used as a service for the Facebook platform.

The server also validates the webhook from facebook app.

Now I see, for a chatbot, I need a facebook app, webhook server and definitely a facebook page.

Then I find an application Flow XO, where I only put the page name and the bot is ready.

My question is, how they(flow.xo) can communicate facebook page without a Facebook app(appId, appSecret) and webHook.


  • My question is, how they can communicate facebook page without a Facebook app(appId, appSecret) and webHook.

    They can’t.

    They use their server and their app to communicate with the API, on behalf of the users that grant them access to their pages, by providing the necessary permissions when they log in to that app.