I'm running a Prestashop store for over 2 years now, since this morning the back-office is really slow.
So I used the debug-mode and I can see that initContent
is taking 12s to load... Nothing else seems wrong in the debug log. I didn't install new module or changed any parameters, B-O was working fine yesterday evening.
I've searched a bit and found some "fixes" that doesn't work for me:
I've read some other things about connexion to Prestashop's servers. Do you guys have any informations about that?
I can confirm on some of my projects that Prestashop Addons check is responsible for this delay.
You can quickly fix this by disabling all connection to Prestashop servers in Tools
Create a file /override/classes/Tools.php
with the following content :
class Tools extends ToolsCore {
public static function addonsRequest($request, $params = array())
return false;
Then delete file /cache/class_index.php
The limitation of the above solution is that you will lost all addons related functionalities (modules updates, themes and modules suggestions...). I'm fine with it but that might not be your case.
So instead of completely disabling addons connections you could reduce the request timeout (from 5 seconds to 2 seconds):
Create a file /override/classes/Tools.php
with the following content :
class Tools extends ToolsCore {
public static function addonsRequest($request, $params = array())
if (!self::$is_addons_up) {
return false;
$post_data = http_build_query(array(
'version' => isset($params['version']) ? $params['version'] : _PS_VERSION_,
'iso_lang' => Tools::strtolower(isset($params['iso_lang']) ? $params['iso_lang'] : Context::getContext()->language->iso_code),
'iso_code' => Tools::strtolower(isset($params['iso_country']) ? $params['iso_country'] : Country::getIsoById(Configuration::get('PS_COUNTRY_DEFAULT'))),
'shop_url' => isset($params['shop_url']) ? $params['shop_url'] : Tools::getShopDomain(),
'mail' => isset($params['email']) ? $params['email'] : Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_EMAIL')
$protocols = array('https');
$end_point = 'api.addons.prestashop.com';
switch ($request) {
case 'native':
$protocols[] = 'http';
$post_data .= '&method=listing&action=native';
case 'native_all':
$protocols[] = 'http';
$post_data .= '&method=listing&action=native&iso_code=all';
case 'must-have':
$protocols[] = 'http';
$post_data .= '&method=listing&action=must-have';
case 'must-have-themes':
$protocols[] = 'http';
$post_data .= '&method=listing&action=must-have-themes';
case 'customer':
$post_data .= '&method=listing&action=customer&username='.urlencode(trim(Context::getContext()->cookie->username_addons))
case 'customer_themes':
$post_data .= '&method=listing&action=customer-themes&username='.urlencode(trim(Context::getContext()->cookie->username_addons))
case 'check_customer':
$post_data .= '&method=check_customer&username='.urlencode($params['username_addons']).'&password='.urlencode($params['password_addons']);
case 'check_module':
$post_data .= '&method=check&module_name='.urlencode($params['module_name']).'&module_key='.urlencode($params['module_key']);
case 'module':
$post_data .= '&method=module&id_module='.urlencode($params['id_module']);
if (isset($params['username_addons']) && isset($params['password_addons'])) {
$post_data .= '&username='.urlencode($params['username_addons']).'&password='.urlencode($params['password_addons']);
} else {
$protocols[] = 'http';
case 'hosted_module':
$post_data .= '&method=module&id_module='.urlencode((int)$params['id_module']).'&username='.urlencode($params['hosted_email'])
.'&shop_url='.urlencode(isset($params['shop_url']) ? $params['shop_url'] : Tools::getShopDomain())
.'&mail='.urlencode(isset($params['email']) ? $params['email'] : Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_EMAIL'));
$protocols[] = 'https';
case 'install-modules':
$protocols[] = 'http';
$post_data .= '&method=listing&action=install-modules';
$post_data .= defined('_PS_HOST_MODE_') ? '-od' : '';
return false;
$context = stream_context_create(array(
'http' => array(
'method' => 'POST',
'content' => $post_data,
'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'timeout' => 2,
foreach ($protocols as $protocol) {
if ($content = Tools::file_get_contents($protocol.'://'.$end_point, false, $context)) {
return $content;
self::$is_addons_up = false;
return false;
Then delete file /cache/class_index.php