
Issue generating Service worker with sw-precache in react

I have created a react app using create-react-app. Then I decided I need to edit/update the service worker code as per my need.

I am trying to build the app now using sw-precache (as its supposed to help building the custom service worker and automatically refer to the hashed static files).

This is the config I am using in 'sw-precache-config.js' -

module.exports = {
  staticFileGlobs: [
  swFilePath: './build/serviceWorker.js',
  templateFilePath: './service-worker.tmpl',
  stripPrefix: 'build/',
  handleFetch: false,
  runtimeCaching: [{
   urlPattern: /this\\.is\\.a\\.regex/,
  handler: 'networkFirst'

This is the build command in my package.json -

"build": "react-scripts build && sw-precache --config=sw-precache-config.js",

However, I am facing two issues after the build -

  1. Even though I have mentioned in the config file that the service worker name should be 'serviceWorker.js', the build process is generating two service worker files -

    serviceWorker.js and service-worker.js

  2. In the generated serviceWorker.js (build by the build script), 'index.html' file is not being mentioned in the precache (so the service worker is not caching index.html as intended)-

    var precacheConfig =

Please let me know if I can clarify anything else.


  • Replace index.html in staticFileGlobs with build/index.html

    You are getting two service worker files because the name you are specifying: serviceWorker.js is different from the default name CRA goes with: service-worker.js

    Change your swFilePath to service-worker.js and that should fix it.