
Refactoring ColdFusion 5 tag-based code into CFCs

I feel the need to refactor my old CF5 based code into CFC's. We already have some code in ColdSpring and Transfer but feel a large rewrite to ColdSpring and Transfer is pointless.

What tips, approaches and gotchas will I hit.

How can I make this easy?

I don't mind keeping ColdSpring in the mix but Transfer is the bit I'm scared of with the size of the project.

edit: my code base has been going for 7-8 years and is vast. To describe it would be difficult, however I'm looking for generic suggestions on approaches


  • Changing the whole code base just for the sake of it if it basically works would be introducing a lot of potential bugs into your system. I don’t think there is an easy way to do it.

    If you look at the areas of your site which are 1: most likely to change and 2: executed the most you may be able to target some areas which could benefit from change and see how easily they would fit into a CFC based framework, and what benefits. But for most of the code if it is working OK, there may be no pressing need to change.

    However whenever you need to do a major alteration to part of the system it may be worth looking at that from an OO perspective and moving the existing code over, where applicable.