I have installed Openlink Virtuoso using the ubuntu packages following the instructions in http://vos.openlinksw.com/owiki/wiki/VOS/VOSUbuntuNotes .
I have Ubuntu 16.04, and this process installed virtuoso version 06.01.3127, which is rather old.
So, I decided to upgrade version 6.x to 7.x downloading the prebuilt binaries for GNU/Linux as given in http://vos.openlinksw.com/owiki/wiki/VOS/VOSDownload#Pre-built%20binaries following the instructions in http://vos.openlinksw.com/owiki/wiki/VOS/UpgradingToVOS610#Upgrading%20from%20Release%206.x%20to%20Release%207.x .
In the above instructions it is not clear to me what should I do for steps 3, 4, and 5.
Start a fresh terminal session, and install the newer v7.x binary components, either atop or after removing the older v6.x binary components.
Set the environment with the new Virtuoso 7.x script, and start the instance with the new Virtuoso 7.x binary, which will automatically upgrade the v6.x to the new v7.x database structure in its original row wise storage format.
Virtuoso 7 supports Column wise storage providing 3 times better data compression over row wise storage, enabling 3 times the data to be stored in the same memory and disk space. Thus conversion of relevant existing tables to column wise storage should be considered, especially for Business Intelligence type work loads and RDF Data Storage, with the document How to convert from Row Store to Column Store Table providing an example on how this can be done for the RDF_QUAD table used for RDF Data storage.
For 3 I replaced the binaries of the old installation with the newly downloaded binaries, for me that meant copying binaries in /usr/bin directory.
For 4 I updated the virtuoso.ini file given the sample provided when downloaded the prebuilt binaries.
For 5 I did nothing since I did not had any data in the initial virtuoso installation.
The virtuoso version is now 07.20.3229 in localhost:8890.
Also, I checked the version using the virtuoso-t -? command and via an appropriate SPARQL query as in http://vos.openlinksw.com/owiki/wiki/VOS/VirtCheckSvrVersionViaSparql .
Therefore, the actions I made were correct and the upgrade is completed?
Thank you in advance
You appear to have done everything correctly... Have you observed some problem, that brought you to ask this question?
That said -- given that you had loaded no data to the v6 virtuoso.db
file, I would suggest that you delete this file, and let Virtuoso v7 create a fresh one upon next launch -- as this will automatically enable several performance enhancements that are defaults for new v7 DB files (such as the column-wise storage mentioned in the doc you quoted), which must be manually applied to v6 DB files opened by v7 engines (as described in the step #5 you skipped).
I also suggest that you download updated v7.2-specific VAD archives, to replace the v6-specific builds in your existing /vads/
directory, whether you plan to install these or not, as you may change your mind later, and updating now will save headache later.