I'm trying to build a script that checks that windows under XFCE are minimized before displaying a window I've chosen (it's a part from a bigger project)
I tried to recover the count of the open windows with wmctrl but these are not the minimized windows :
CURRWORKSPACE=$(wmctrl -d | grep '*' | cut -d ' ' -f1)
OPENWINDOWS=$(wmctrl -l | cut -d ' ' -f3 | grep $CURRWORKSPACE | wc -l)
I also try with xdotool, but without success :(
I was wondering if you knew of any way to get this information. I'm on XFCE, but another way with any tool would be great
Many thanks !
Given a window and its id as listed by wmctrl
you can use the following function to determine whether that window is minimized. Note that minimized windows are called iconic in X.
# usage: isMinimized <windowId>
# returns status 0 if and only if window with given id is minimized
isMinimized() {
xprop -id "$1" | grep -Fq 'window state: Iconic'
In order to count open windows you can loop over the list of window ids.
openWindows() {
for id in $(wmctrl -l | cut -f1 -d' '); do
isMinimized "$id" || ((count++))
echo $count
At least on my desktop environment (Cinnamon) some "windows" were always open. These windows are for instance the Desktop. I adjusted the function by filtering out these windows before looping over them. Since they were sticky and I normally don't use sticky windows I just neglected all sticky windows: $(wmctrl -l | grep -vE '^0x\w* -1' | cut -f1 -d' ')
You can adjust the filtering to your needs. In this case all open and non-sticky windows on all workspaces/desktops are counted.