
How to disable notifications in Guard (Ruby)?

I can't find how to disable notifications when running Guard 2.4.4 with Ruby 2.5.1 on Linux within byobu (if that makes a difference).

The wiki says to put notification :off to disable notifications. If I put it in my Guardfile, it has no effect. If I put it in my ~/.guardrc file, I get a NoMethodError for notification. If I type notification :off at the guard prompt, it says notifications are off, but I still get them to show on every run.

They're annoying because they stay on screen for 10 seconds every time: I can never tell if it's from the latest run or if it's from a couple of runs ago when making small changes. They're fully opaque too so I have to wait for them to clear before I can click button on the area the notifications hide.

Any success in disabling Guard notifications?


  • There was a bug in 2.4.4, updating to 2.4.6 fixed the issue, and notification :off in my ~/.guard.rb (not ~/.guardrc, this one is to configure pry) is no longer ignored.