
Convert single quote to separators in the url_title function in CodeIgniter

In CodeIgniter, the url_title function takes a "title" string as input and creates a human-friendly URL string with a "separator" (dash or underscore).

Currently, the function remove single quote. In french, the single quote (apostrophe) is a word separator.

For example : The expected slug for "L'apostrophe" is "l-apostrophe", and not "lapostrophe" as it is currently the output of the url_title function.

I would like to update the following source code (/system/helpers/url_helper.php - line 493):

$trans = array(
    '&.+?;'         => '',
    '[^\w\d _-]'        => '',
    '\s+'           => $separator,
    '('.$q_separator.')+'   => $separator

Since but I'm not familiar with RegEx, it would be nice if someone could help me to add single quote in the array $trans in order to convert single quotes into separators.


  • Modifying the CodeIgniter core is always a problem to ensure upgrade and compatibility with future versions. I would better suggest to update the array of foreign characters for transliteration | conversion used by the Text helper (in /application/config/foreign_chars.php).

    Add the following line at the end of the array:

    '/\'/' => ' '

    This will convert single quotes ('/\'/') to spaces (' ') when calling the convert_accented_characters function.