
How many many steps needed for n*n matrix multiplication?

I have got a strange question in previous year question and that is , if an algorithm needs 21 steps for a 7*7 matrix multiplication then how many steps would it need for n*n matrix multiplication ?

I have tried to do 7*7 matrix multiplication and calculated how many multiplications done . Then I tried to relate the n of multiplications with the steps . But it does not work .

From many people , I have heard that the answer is 3n but they cannot explain the cause of being 3n as the answer .

Can you simply give me an idea how can I solve this question ?


  • Consider that for each you have to do the same thing, and you have to do this for each row.column pair - so it seems like each dimension would give you 21/7=3 steps, since you have 7 row.column pairs needing a total of 21 steps.