I've been trying to send free sms using way2sms. I found this link where it seemed to work on python 3: https://github.com/shubhamc183/way2sms
I've saved this file as way2sms.py:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
class sms:
def __init__(self,username,password):
Takes username and password as parameters for constructors
and try to log in
self.cred={'username': username, 'password': password}
self.s=requests.Session() # Session because we want to maintain the cookies
changing s.headers['User-Agent'] to spoof that python is requesting
self.s.headers['User-Agent']="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0"
self.loggedIn=False # a variable of knowing whether logged in or not
if "http://site24.way2sms.com/main.action" in self.q.url: # http status 200 == OK
print("Successfully logged in..!")
print("Can't login, once check credential..!")
self.jsid=self.s.cookies.get_dict()['JSESSIONID'][4:] # JSID is the main KEY as JSID are produced every time a session satrts
def msgSentToday(self):
Returns number of SMS sent today as there is a limit of 100 messages everyday..!
if self.loggedIn == False:
print("Can't perform since NOT logged in..!")
return -1
self.soup=BeautifulSoup(self.q.text,'html.parser') #we want the number of messages sent which is present in the
self.t=self.soup.find("div",{"class":"hed"}).h2.text # div element with class "hed" -> h2
for self.i in self.t:
if self.i.isdecimal():
return self.sent
def send(self,mobile_no,msg):
Sends the message to the given mobile number
if self.loggedIn == False:
print("Can't perform since NOT logged in..!")
return False
if len(msg)>139 or len(mobile_no)!=10 or not mobile_no.isdecimal(): #checks whether the given message is of length more than 139
return False #or the mobile_no is valid
'Token':self.jsid, #inorder to visualize how I came to these payload,
'mobile':mobile_no, #must see the NETWORK section in Inspect Element
'message':msg, #while messagin someone from your browser
if self.q.status_code==200:
return True
return False
def sendLater(self, mobile_no, msg, date, time): #Function for future SMS feature.
#date must be in dd/mm/yyyy format
#time must be in 24hr format. For ex: 18:05
if self.loggedIn == False:
print("Can't perform since NOT logged in..!")
return False
if len(msg)>139 or len(mobile_no)!=10 or not mobile_no.isdecimal():
return False
dateparts = date.split('/') #These steps to check for valid date and time and formatting
timeparts = time.split(':')
if int(dateparts[0])<1 or int(dateparts[0])>32 or int(dateparts[1])>12 or int(dateparts[1])<1 or int(dateparts[2])<2017 or int(timeparts[0])<0 or int(timeparts[0])>23 or int(timeparts[1])>59 or int(timeparts[1])<0:
return False
date = dateparts[0].zfill(2) + "/" + dateparts[1].zfill(2) + "/" + dateparts[2]
time = timeparts[0].zfill(2) + ":" + timeparts[1].zfill(2)
self.q=self.s.post(self.msg_url, data=self.payload)
if self.q.status_code==200:
return True
return False
def logout(self):
self.s.close() # close the Session
And saved another file as smsing.py:
import way2sms
q=way2sms.sms(1234567890,'password') #username = 1234567890
q.send('0987654321','hello') #receiver ph no.:0987654321, message=hello
-I've tried to pass username as string and otherwise. Password if not given as string shows error. My username and password both are correct. When I execute smsing.py... displays:
>>>Can't login, once check credential..!
Can't perform since NOT logged in..!
Can't perform since NOT logged in..!
With such simple code I thought it would be easy. But I am not able to find where I am going wrong. Is it because I am using Windows 7?? Can anybody please help me.?
To send sms
using way2sms
account, you may use below code snippet.
Before that you would be required to create an API Key
from here
import requests
url = "https://smsapi.engineeringtgr.com/send/"
params = dict(
Mobile='login username',
Password='login password',
Key='generated from above sms api',
Message='Your message Here',
resp = requests.get(url, params)
print(resp, resp.text)
N.B: There is a limit of approx 20 sms per day