I was wanting to play a bit with GPS am using the following program which is just from a template generated by GPS.
When I try to Build & Run I see no Window, however if I navigate to the folder where the executable was made, I can run the executable and see the window. I can see this tab was created, but I don't see my application.
with Gtk.Box; use Gtk.Box;
with Gtk.Label; use Gtk.Label;
with Gtk.Widget; use Gtk.Widget;
with Gtk.Main;
with Gtk.Window; use Gtk.Window;
procedure Main is
Win : Gtk_Window;
Label : Gtk_Label;
Box : Gtk_Vbox;
-- Initialize GtkAda.
-- Create a window with a size of 400x400
Gtk_New (Win);
Win.Set_Default_Size (400, 400);
-- Create a box to organize vertically the contents of the window
Gtk_New_Vbox (Box);
Win.Add (Box);
-- Add a label
Gtk_New (Label, "Hello world.");
Box.Add (Label);
-- Show the window
-- Start the Gtk+ main loop
end Main;
I even tried making sure my program was being ran, and put Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Hello, World!");
in the source, and it does seem to be running according to the Run tab.
I had the same issue. You need to add a “windows GUI” directive to the linker.
Go to Project/Properties, under Build/Switches/Ada Linker add this directives in the field
Or put it in your gpr file Linker section as follows:
package Linker is
case Library_Type is
when "static" =>
for Switches ("ada") use ("-Wl,--subsystem,windows");
when "static-pic" =>
when "relocatable" =>
end case;
end Linker;