
How to associate default templates to an OS in Foreman 1.15.6?

I am using Foreman 1.15.6.

I created an OS using the below payload. However, the templates are not associated with the OS. So, I had to manually associate the templates in Foreman UI.

The REST API doc does not show any parameters to set the default templates for an OS.

How to set default templates using REST API ?

I am using the below JSON payload for creating OS

    "operatingsystem": {
        "name": "redhat7.5",
        "major": 7,
        "family": "Redhat",
        "architecture_ids": [1],
        "medium_ids": [1],
        "ptable_ids": [1],
        "provisioning_template_ids": [11, 20]                


  • The Foreman API documentation is not really helpful.

    I used the hammer set-default-template in verbose mode to find the REST API call.

    Below is the sample code to set the default templates for an OS using REST API

    import requests
    FOREMAN_URL = ''
    FOREMAN_CREDENTIALS = ('admin', 'foreman')
    HEADERS = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
    def get_template_by_id(template_id):
        url = '{}/{}/{}'.format(FOREMAN_URL, "config_templates", template_id)
        template = requests.get(url, auth=FOREMAN_CREDENTIALS, verify=False)
        return template.json()
    def set_os_default_templates(os_id, template_ids):
        for template_id in template_ids:
            template = get_template_by_id(template_id)
            url = '{}/{}/{}/{}'.format(FOREMAN_URL, "operatingsystems", os_id, "os_default_templates")
            payload = {"os_default_template": {"config_template_id": str(template_id), "template_kind_name":template['template_kind_name']}}
  , headers=HEADERS, auth=FOREMAN_CREDENTIALS, json=payload, verify=False)
    # Set templates with ids 10, 20 as default templates to OS with id 1        
    os_id = 1
    template_ids = (10, 20)
    set_os_default_templates(os_id, template_ids)