I am using Foreman 1.15.6.
I created an OS using the below payload. However, the templates are not associated with the OS. So, I had to manually associate the templates in Foreman UI.
The REST API doc https://www.theforeman.org/api/1.15/index.html does not show any parameters to set the default templates for an OS.
How to set default templates using REST API ?
I am using the below JSON payload for creating OS
"operatingsystem": {
"name": "redhat7.5",
"major": 7,
"family": "Redhat",
"architecture_ids": [1],
"medium_ids": [1],
"ptable_ids": [1],
"provisioning_template_ids": [11, 20]
The Foreman API documentation is not really helpful.
I used the hammer set-default-template
in verbose mode to find the REST API call.
Below is the sample code to set the default templates for an OS using REST API
import requests
FOREMAN_CREDENTIALS = ('admin', 'foreman')
HEADERS = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
def get_template_by_id(template_id):
url = '{}/{}/{}'.format(FOREMAN_URL, "config_templates", template_id)
template = requests.get(url, auth=FOREMAN_CREDENTIALS, verify=False)
return template.json()
def set_os_default_templates(os_id, template_ids):
for template_id in template_ids:
template = get_template_by_id(template_id)
url = '{}/{}/{}/{}'.format(FOREMAN_URL, "operatingsystems", os_id, "os_default_templates")
payload = {"os_default_template": {"config_template_id": str(template_id), "template_kind_name":template['template_kind_name']}}
requests.post(url, headers=HEADERS, auth=FOREMAN_CREDENTIALS, json=payload, verify=False)
# Set templates with ids 10, 20 as default templates to OS with id 1
os_id = 1
template_ids = (10, 20)
set_os_default_templates(os_id, template_ids)