I am trying to write a CloudFormation template for ALB, but got stuck on the point where I would like to redirect ALB's HTTP listener's traffic to HTTPS listener. Docs mention only forwarding/redirection to the target group.
I am aware that it is achievable using the web interface (AWS Console), which I want to avoid. Also handling it on the server is a no go for me.
Is this ALB's feature simply not implemented in CloudFormation, but exists in Console?
On November 19, 2018 Amazon introduced the RedirectConfig for the Elastic Load Balancer Listener. This listener type is also used for the Application Load Balancer (ALB).
Below you find an example configuration for the usual HTTP to HTTPS redirect. Replace 'PublicLoadBalancerBackend' with your load balancers CloudFormation object.
Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
- PublicLoadBalancerBackend
- RedirectConfig:
Host: "#{host}"
Path: "/#{path}"
Port: 443
Protocol: "HTTPS"
Query: "#{query}"
StatusCode: HTTP_301
Type: redirect
LoadBalancerArn: !Ref 'PublicLoadBalancerBackend'
Port: 80
Protocol: HTTP
CloudFormation Documentation on the RedirectConfig: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-elasticloadbalancingv2-listener-redirectconfig.html
CloudFormation Documentation on the Listener Action: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-elasticloadbalancingv2-listener-defaultactions.html